As I watched the news this morning on the sacred channel, source of all truth, wisdom, and culture--GMA--I realized that the media has decided that Sarah Palin is a dangerous entity. This bunch of hypocrites who push abortion and euthanasia, homosexuality, and blatant immorality now are complaining because Sarah Palin's daughter is pregnant outside of marriage. Thus the younger Palin is being treated that girls in this condition were treated 50 years ago. Yet many of the media culture are either unmarried or openly approve such relationships. But this is a smokescreen for the real purpose in the attacks.
Why is Sarah Palin dangerous? She represents a real threat to the present status quo. So it is important to do all that can be done to destroy her image and discredit her as a person. Every potential adversary is being interviewed in Alaska to demonstrate that Sarah is not who she claims to be.
Why don't we have some interviews with people who don't like Senators Biden and Obama? Simple. The media wants them to win.
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4 years ago
I was unable to watch her speech last night, but I caught it all through the wonder of the internet this morning. What a speech! What a woman! What a family! I'm more impressed than I was before, and that's saying a lot.
As I said to my wife this morning, "Let's skip McCain and elect her President."
Stacy's right.
Sarah Palin and Michelle Obama are the two greatest public speakers in the country. Let's do like the Romans did with their consuls and make them co-presidents.
I also agree with Wes and Barack--the families, especially the children, should be off limits.
Thanks for your comments, flint cowboy! All this time I thought you were the Lance Armstrong of Alma
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