
Saturday, February 16, 2008

Tragedy at Northern Illinois University

We are deeply saddened by the turn of events at Northern Illinois University. One of my students at MCC had a close friend who was in the classroom that the shooter entered and where several people died. That brings the event close to home, too close for comfort.

But we should expect such things to happen. We have been preparing people for such acts for fifty years or more. Post-modernism is the philosophy of our world today. Basically it means that I determine what is truth and who or what is in control. I don't trust the government, science, education, business, my parents, or the church for answers. If I disagree with any of the above, then I can establish my own truth. Post-modernism is existentialism on steroids. I would say that post-modernism is a major contributor to the rash of school shootings we have observed. Students are taught by the system that there is no truth and that they are a law unto themselves. Life is cheap. PETA says we are no more valuable than the animals. In fact the world would be a better place if we got rid of all the people and turned the world over to the animals. The Pro-Abortion movement tells us that the unborn life is unimportant and can be disposed of like an appendix or faulty gall bladder.

So it is only inevitable that people who have been trained by video games to kill should finally get around to doing the real thing.

The answer to all this is and always has been the same—a return to God. Not gun control, not more police, not intense analysis of what happened. The only answer is to change the human heart. Only Jesus has the answer. That fact will never change. I am not a prophet nor the son of a prophet, but I will assure you that until we decide to turn to God and to the truth of the Bible, the tragedies we are witnessing are going to continue and intensify.

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