
Wednesday, December 10, 2008

A Socialist America takes another step forward

When Joseph rescued the Egyptians from the upcoming famine he took 20% of the grain grown and then sold it back to the Egyptians. The Egyptians first used up their money to buy food, then they sold their livestock, and finally their land to the Egyptian government. When the famine ended all the money, livestock, and land belonged to the government. After the famine the government let the people use the land and taxed them 20% of their produce. In essence, Joseph set up a socialist government. 

Our government is spending over a trillion dollars to bail out banks and industries who mismanaged their funds and businesses. But the one item that no one may have noticed is the placement of "czars" to oversee the industries that the government is helping. This is a giant step toward socialism in which the government takes control of industry and banking. Someone might say, "Never in America." But it is happening.  The republic the founders of this nation produced is long gone. It is also noteworthy that anything the government manages becomes notorious for waste.  

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